Learn Siemens S7-1200 PLC & HMI from Scratch using TIA
This course is specifically for the people who wants to kick start their training in Siemens PLC & HMI. We are using Siemens S7-1200 PLC and KTP 400 HMI along with Siemens TIA- Total Integrated Automation software for making tutorials. You will find high quality videos tutorials along with copy of presentation and PLC code used in the course.
We are teaching programming in Ladder Logic with touch of FBD- Functional block Diagram. Later in HMI section we have interfaced Siemens S7-1200 PLC with HMI to learn monitoring and control of PLC parameters.
Following is the pattern of the course:
- Introduction lecture of the command
- Exercise Example of the command
- Factory I/O Industrial Application Example in real 3D Dynamics environment
- Quiz to evaluate your performance
- Copy of presentation and PLC code (if applicable) with every lecture
After learning this course, you would be able to install and program Siemens PLC and HMI in your project or industrial application.
This course covers the basic fundamentals commands of PLC.
If you buy the course today, the updates would be included in the course for free.
About Us:
NFI is an Industrial Automation Training Academy exists to bridge the skill gap between Industries & Engineering Colleges. We train students/professionals in Automation skills that can help them in securing their path to success. NFI provides quality education in the field of industrial automation control systems that are being installed across industries. The course material is designed in a way that helps students in acquiring knowledge of these systems and use revolutionary thinking to keep the productivity and profitability high while reducing downtime of machines and troubleshoot the systems faster
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NFI offers E-Learning Industrial Automation Courses to facilitate the students & engineers far across the world. NFI uses motivational Learning tools & software & Self learning Video tutorial for flexible & easy learning.