Learn the Law: A 5 Hour Fast Track Masterclass Summary
Learn the Law: A 5 Hour Fast Track Masterclass Summary!
Hi, My name is Shaveen Bandaranayake and I am your instructor for this Masterclass course in First Year Law!
Who is this course for?
The simplified approach of this Masterclass means that, whether you are an LL.B student who’s just begun your degree, a student who’s about to sit for your very first examination or someone who wants to get a head-start in learning the Law – this is a great resource.
This course is an essential guide to get a bird’s eye overview of the 4 mandatory subjects of all First Year LL.B syllabuses.
What do I get with this course?
- 5.5 Hours of High Quality Video Lectures to guide you and provide you with a bird’s eye overview of each individual subject
- 200+ Pages of Case Summaries, outline over 150+ essential cases
- Spider Graphs to help you get understand each topic easily
The four courses compiled and covered in this course are:
- The English Legal System
- Constitutional Law
- Criminal Law
- Contract Law
This course is a great supplement for LL.B students who have just begun their degrees, in order to understand the subject matter ahead of their degree. It is also a great way to recap your material prior to your examinations.
This Masterclass incorporates the complete set of tools which I developed and utilized to successfully complete my LL.B degree.
Thank you for your interest in this Masterclass
Looking forward to seeing you in the course!
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