Google Analytics Course Zero To Hero
Google Analytics Course To Improve Your Website And Business
We will follow powerful Google Analytics instructions to set up our Google Analytics, learn to read the information and analyze them to grow our business and avoid hard mistakes.
In this WordPress Website course You will learn how to:
- Setup Google Analytics and activate all of the important triggers to receive data.
- Read and analyze data to improve and grow your business.
- Use powerful custom dashboard for marketing and sales.
- Track your conversions and grow them
- Find the exact places on your website that you need to improve.
- And much more …
During this Google Analytics course we will learn and practice every important element that exist and you need to use to receive important data from your website and use it to improve your business.
Google analytics is a powerful platform that nowadays if you really want to become successful and be able to compete with other brands in your niche you must use it. Even if your business is local, learning Google analytics will give you the right mentality to apply on your business, to find problems, to find mistakes and to solve them.
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Along the way I will point out to many powerful marketing tips that can grow your business and website much faster. Pay attention to the bonus marketing strategies inside the course.
If you really want to achieve everything said above join this course NOW! , setup and use Google Analytics and take your business to the next level with “Create WordPress Website For Marketing & Sales” course.
WordPress Website For Marketing & Sales by Pouya Eti