, pub-9472950825510933, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 2022 New Google Ads (AdWords) Course – From Beginner to PRO - FreeCourseDownloader
2022 New Google Ads (AdWords) Course – From Beginner to PRO

2022 New Google Ads (AdWords) Course – From Beginner to PRO



We created a professional NEW Google AdWords Tutorial to help you succeed online if you are just starting. 

New Google AdWords Tutorial is a 2020 success guide to help you create successful AdWords Campaigns. You need no previous experience.

In the complete New Google AdWords Tutorial, you will find step by step the right settings to create Google AdWords Search, Display & Remarketing Campaigns.

We focus on the Performance Marketing aspect of Google AdWords. We don’t want you just to learn Adwords, we want you to succeed. 

There are hundreds of online tutorials that will describe all the available options inside AdWords. We won’t do the same. We will guide you step by step on these options that really work. We want you to be successful. We want you to compete and win. 

For us, Google AdWords Search Campaigns means campaigns with high ROI (Return On Investment), low Cost Per Click and high-Quality Score. 

For us, Google AdWords Display Campaigns means campaigns with low Cost Per Click and high Return On Investment as well as branding campaigns that make people remember your brand. 


This Google AdWords Tutorial is different for two reasons. 

The first one is that we teach you what works because our job is to teach you, not to take you as a client. 

The second reason is that we focus on your questions to make that Tutorial even more productive. You ask, we create a video and upload it to this Google AdWords Tutorial. 

You have unlimited access to our Google AdWords Tutorial so you can come back anytime to check the new videos and make more questions. 

Our Google AdWords Tutorial is alive; it evolves day by day as new methods are discovered, and new options start working and bringing results. 

We don’t teach just to teach; we want you to succeed. That’s why we focus only on what is working. 


We have developed our exclusive methodology in various aspects of AdWords to help you succeed. We use our extensive experience of more than 12 years of Adwords campaigns to explain you simply what is working and how to do it. 

By the end of this tutorial, you should be able to create your campaigns on your own. We are confident that, if you follow our steps, these campaigns will bring back measurable results making your client or your boss happier. 

After creating your campaign, you enter the testing or learning phase. This phase is the most challenging period for a Google AdWords Campaign. Everything is new, and the results don’t come the first day. So we are here to help you in that phase too. 

Ask us, show us your results, ask for ideas, advertising, let us think about your AdWords Campaigns. Don’t forget that we want you to succeed. 

In addition to the technical aspects analyzed in detail during the Google AdWords Tutorial, we also dive into the secrets and strategies at each level of an AdWords  Campaign. 

We start with the proper implementation of various campaign settings (networks, locations, languages, ad schedule, bidding strategies) followed by the art and approach behind writing a successful text ad that sells. As well as adequately targeting our keywords using the 4 possible targeting options accordingly.


This Google AdWords Tutorial is the only AdWords Tutorial created by an instructor who is also a Google PREMIER Partner, which is a title given to only 3% of Google Partners worldwide. 

Even though we are Google Partners, in reality, we are your partner. We don’t work for Google; we work for you. We have insider info, we have experience, and we use all that to provide you with a Google AdWords Tutorial that will help you achieve your goals. 

We don’t want to feed Google with your budgets; we want you to invest in Google AdWords and get a high Return On Investment. That’s why we use Google AdWords and all the other tools in our Digital Marketing Strategy. 

The Google AdWords Tutorial is the most effective, straightforward & practical Tutorial on the market.

That’s all for now; we are waiting for you in the inside. Don’t forget to ask. You ask, you learn. So let’s finish that text with our Tutorial’s motto: Learn. Apply. Grow.


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