Linux Administration with Troubleshooting Skills: Hands-On
By the end of the course you will:
- Be able to confidently use the Linux operating system to increase your productivity and Career.
- Be able to perform everyday computing tasks from the Linux command line.
Course Content
Linux basic concepts,Introduction & History of Unix/Linux
- Introduction to Unix
- History of UNIX
- What is LINUX
- History of Linux
- LINUX Distributions
- Unix File System
Linux Commands Tutorials
- Lecture on various commands with proper explanation with examples on live environment.
- Overview of File System Structure
- pwd, cd, ls, less, cp, file mkdir. more. mv, cat, rm rmdir, wc, dd, head, tail, touch, ln etc
Bash profile, Variables & Standard Input output Redirecting
- User’s home directory
- .bash_profile, .bashrc & .bash_logout
- How to set PATH & alias in .bashrc profile
- Familiar with Variables
- Bash variable, Environmental variable & System Variables
- Lab
- Standard Input & Output Redirecting ( > , 2> ,&> )
- Standard Input and Output
- Redirecting Output to a File
- Redirecting Output to a File
- Lab
Linux User management
- Understanding different types of groups and creation of groups
- Creation of users in different groups
- Understanding Passwd, Shadow Files
- Understanding passwd aging
- Creation of quotas for users, groups and file systems
- Understanding users security files
- password aging policy using chage commands
Permissions in Red Hat Linux
- Basic File Permissions
- User Based permissions groups
- Permission Types
- Change of permissions & ownership
- Special Permissions
- Setuid, Setguid, Sticky bit, ACL etc
- Two Labs to demonstrate the permissions from real IT industry environment.
Controlling Access to files with ACLs
- Access Control List Concepts
- Set ACL’s on files
- Default ACL
- Practice Lab Session on set acl on files
- Practice Lab Session on set acl on directories
- Practice Lab Session on mask to limit the set of permissions
- Practice Lab Session on default ACL
- Practice Exercise – Scenario based activity
Linux Crontab
- Overview of Linux Crontab & its format
- Schedule a job for a specific period of time
- Schedule a job for more then one instance (e.g. twice a day)
- Schedule a job for specific range of time
- Schedule a job every weekday during working hours
- how to view crontab entries?
- Schedule a job for every minute using cron
Linux Find Commands
- Basic find commands for finding files with names
- Find files based on their permissions
- Search files based on owners & groups
- Find files and directories based on date & time
- Find files and directories based on size
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- Overview of OpenSSH
- What Are Some Of The OpenSSH Features?
- OpenSSH options are controlled through the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file
- Lab Session
- Overview about telnet
- Configuration of telnet server on Linux
- Xinetd Service
Process Management
- Understanding ps commands with custom properties & Nice values etc
- Different stats of a process like “D”, “S”, “T”, “Z” etc
- Kill commands to terminate the process
- Lab
Kernel Modules
- What is Kernel & its features
- Kernel Modules
- Commands to manipulate the kernel (insmod,lsmod,modinfo,modprobe &rmmod)
- How to know the name of the module or kernel driver for any deivce like lan
- Lab
Disk Partitions, File Systems Creations & RAID Configuration
- Creating the partitions in a simple disk using fdisk
- Understanding the different options in fdisk utility
- Creating File Sytems using (ext3/ext4/xfs FS)
- Mounting/Umounting FS
- Entry in fstab
- Introduction to RAID
- Concepts & features of RAID
- RAID Level
- How to configure different level of Raids like (0,1,5,6, 10 etc)
- Lab Sessions
Logical Volume Manager Administration
- LVM Architecture Overview
- LVM Components
- LVM Logical Volumes
- Logical Volume Creation Overview
- Growing a File System on a Logical Volume
- Logical Volume Backup
- LVM Administration with CLI Commands
- Using CLI Commands
- Physical Volume Administration
- Creating Physical Volumes
- Displaying Physical Volumes
- Preventing Allocation on a Physical Volume
- Resizing a Physical Volume
- Removing Physical Volumes
- Volume Group Administration
- Creating Volume Groups
- Adding Physical Volumes to a Volume Group
- Displaying Volume Groups
- Removing Physical Volumes from a Volume Group
- Changing the Parameters of a Volume Group
- Activating and Deactivating Volume Groups
- Removing Volume Groups
- Overview about LVM Metadata
- Metadata Contents
- How to identify and recover failed LVM disk
RPM (Red Hat Package Manager)
- Install : It is used to install any RPM package.
- Remove : It is used to erase, remove or un-install any RPM package.
- Upgrade : It is used to update the existing RPM package.
- Verify : It is used to query about different RPM packages.
- Query : It is used for the verification of any RPM package.
YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified)
- Overview of YUM
- Configuration& and installation of yum on Red Hat Linux Server
- Lab-1
- Lab-2
- Yum History Command
- Reverting and Repeating Transactions like undo & redo using yum command
Linux OS Minor Upgrade
- Linux OS upgrade from RHEL 7.1 to RHEL 7.2
- Lab Practice Sessions
File Transfer Protocol
- Overview of FTP Server
- Installation and configuration of FTP Server
- Lab-1
- Lab-2
Apache Web Server Administration
- Basic Setup
- Verify installation
- Package files
- Main configuration file(s)
- Backup
- Edit the httpd.conf configuration file
- ServerRoot
- PidFile
- ServerName
- Add site to /etc/hosts file
- DocumentRoot
- ErrorLog
- Listen
- Create your HTML documents
- Start the Web Server
- Access the web site
- Local access
- Internal & external access
- Summary of basic setup
DNS (Domain Name System)
- Overview of DNS
- Understanding root & top level domains
- How dns works practically
- What happens when I type any website name in the address bar of the browser
Samba Server
- Overview of Samba Server
- Features of Samba Server
- How Samba Server Works
- Samba File sharing Server
- CIFS File System
- Practice Lab Sessions
Network File System (NFS) on Linux
- Overview of NFS Server
- Installation and configuration of NFS Server
- Lab-1
- Lab-2
Automating Installation using Kickstart
- Overview of Kickstart Server
- Features of Kickstart Server
- Configuration & Installation of Kickstart Server
- Configuration of dhcp, tftpd, nfs for Kickstart Server
- Configuration of kickstart config file using graphical mode
- PXE Boot Environment
- Lab Session
- Unattended Client boot and do the installation via network
Networking Concepts in Linux
New Sets of commands introduced in RHEL 7 for managing the network interfaces.
- Check the status of ethernet interfaces
- Add and configure the new ethernet interface
- Activate the network services
- Commands to change the network properties of an existing interface
- Delete the ethernet interface
- Learning of various new commands related to managing network interfaces.
- Overview of Routing Table
- Understanding the output of netstat -rn or route -n output
- Lab
Linux Performance Monitoring
- Introduction about Performance monitoring in Linux
- Important four subsystems that needs to be monitored.
1. CPU
2. Memory
3. I/O
4. Network
- Familiar & understanding with CPU Utilization
- Like Context switches, Run Queue, CPU utilization & Load Average
- Familiar & understanding with Memory Utilization
- Familiar & understanding with I/O Analyses
- Familiar & understanding with Network Monitoring
- Familiar with various Commands to manage performance issues in Linux Servers
- top
- vmstat
Troubleshooting Linux Boot Problems in Red Hat Linux 6 (Basic System Recovery)
- Simple & step by step understanding of Linux Boot Process ( 2 detailed Sessions)
- Overview of Red Hat Linux 7 and their features
- Comparison of features of RHEL7 with RHEL6
- Lab on Basic System Recovery (Initramfs file missing/Corrupted)
- Lab on Basic System Recovery (Grub related issues like stage 1.5/2 grub is missing)-Part1
- Lab on Basic System Recovery (Grub related issues like stage 1.5/2 grub is missing)-Part2
- Lab on Basic System Recovery (Master Boot Record missing/corrupted)
- Lab on Basic System Recovery (Critical files are missing like mount binary, incorrect entry in fstab etc)
- Lab on Basic System Recovery (Critical files are missing like mount binary, incorrect entry in fstab etc)
Overview of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
- Overview about RHEL7 with its new features
- Comparison with RHEL 6
- Lab on systemd service (Familiar with different systemd targets & new commands)
- Rescue mode in RHEL 7
- Lab on rescue mode
- Emergency mode in RHEL 7
- Lab on emergency mode
- Troubleshooting mode (Overview and Lab)
- Lab on Recovering the Root password in RHEL7
- Resetting the Root Password Using an Installation Disk
- Resetting the Root Password Using rd.break
Troubleshooting Linux Boot Problems in Red Hat Linux 7 (Basic System Recovery)
- Lab on Basic System Recovery (Initramfs file missing/Corrupted)
- Lab on Basic System Recovery (Grub related issues
- Lab on Basic System Recovery (Master Boot Record missing/corrupted)
- Lab on Basic System Recovery (Critical files are missing like mount binary, incorrect entry in fstab etc)
GRand Unified BootLoader (Grub2)
- Overview of Grub
- Grub Configuration file
- Features of Grub2 and its comparison with Legacy Grub
- Practical Lab Session – Different commands to run at Grub2 prompt
- Practical Lab Session – Boot from Grub (Selecting Kernel & Initramfs)
- Practical Lab Session – How to make your grub password protected
Kdump configuration on RHEL 7
- Overview of kdump
- How to enable Kdump on RHEL 7
- Lab Session
Red Hat Satellite 6.2
- Overview of Satellite Server
- Pre-Requisites (What needs to be done before initiating the Red Hat Satellite Server installation)
- Registering the server using subscription manager
- Installing the Satellite Server Packages & updating the Server
- Installing satellite from the Offline Repositories.
- Initial Configuration for the satellite server
- Registering Satellite
- Downloading/Uploading manifest (Importing manifest to Installed Satellite server)
- Attaching a subscription
- Create Red Hat Repo’s as per the enviornment requirement
- Creating Activation
- Registering server (Red Hat Satellite client)
- Recap
Managing SELinux Security
- Introduction – SELinux
- SELinux Security Concepts
- Changing SELinux Modes
- Practice Lab Sessions
- Changing SELinux Contexts
- SELinux Booleans
- Audit logs & troubleshooting SELinux
Backup and Restore
- Overview of Backup
- Various commands for backup
- Types of backup
- Full backup, Incremental backup and differential backup
- dump command to take backup & restoration
Advanced Linux Commands
- dig, nslookup, rsync, scp, ssh, sftp, find, grep, locate, df, du, lsof, ps, top, who,cut, sort, vi, sed, awk, tar, gzip, bzip2 etc
- useradd, userdel, usermod, groupadd, groupdel, id, chage, chroot, chown etc
- mount, umount, fdisk, mkfs, fsck,/proc, uptime etc
- ping, nslookup, telnet, ifconfig, ifconfig-a, netstat -a etc
- systemctl -at service, systemctl -t service –state=active, systemctl start name.service, systemctl enable name.service etc
- pvs, vgs, pvdisplay,lvs, lvdisplay, pvcreate, pvremove, vgcreate, vgrename, vgremove, vgextend, vgreduce, lvcreate, lvextend, lvreduce,fdisk, vgexport, vgimport, vgcfgrestore, vgcfgbakcup, watch, whoami, passwd, su etc
- last lecture