Complete x86 Assembly Programming | 120+ Practical Exercises
The most effective course to learn the X86 assembly language through focusing on the practical side and exercises in a funny way will make you learn quickly and easily, as well as a Udemy certificate that you can add to your CV with confidence.
In this course we will take you from zero to the professionalism acquiring the basic skills and principles of the language with the deep & right understanding.
- Are You:
- An absolute beginner and you have no idea about programming.
- Beginner and you have a little programming experience.
- Expert and you have a long experience in programming.
- Are you interested in :
- Hardware Developing
- Software Developing
- Reversing Ingeneering
- Data Security
- Ethical Hacking
- Networking
- Operating Systems
- Debugging
- Other processor’s Assembly Language
- Others
- Student in the University
And you want to learn Assembly Language either you want to be an expert in your specialty or for other reasons
You are in the right place !!!
Complete x86 Assembly Programming | 120+ Practical Exercises is the best course on udemy to learn x86
Assembly Language.
- 136+ non-boring lectures ( 4 min avg time ): well explained, short, detailed, focus on the principals
- No need to re-view any lectures ( get it from the first time ):
- Every lecture has its downloadable resources
- Every lecture followed by QUIZ to practice more
- 11+ Assignments to examine your skills
- Big amount of exercises
- In the end of this course you will acquire this skills:
- You will learn x86 Assembly Language From scratch either if you don’t know anything about programming
- The different counting systems and how to Convert between them
- Some mathematical skills
- Data representation “How to represent numbers,chars ….etc” in a computer
- The general computer architecture
- The micro-architecture of intel 8086 processor
- The core instructions of intel 8086 processor (MOV, XCHG, ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, CMSB…etc)
- Different Data Types and structures (numbers, chars, strings, arrays, …. etc)
- How to plan and build an algorithm to solve problems
- How to write an assembly program & How to use 8086emu for that
- Be able to write from a simple to complicated assembly program
- More than 50 example will make your understanding deeper
- Be able to understand what’s going on behind the scene
- And more…
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