The Linux Command Line Bootcamp: Beginner To Power User

The Linux Command Line Bootcamp: Beginner To Power User

Welcome to The Linux Command Line Bootcamp, a brand new course that aims to turn you into a command line power user! This course will teach you dozens and dozens of powerful commands (see the long list at the bottom), but more importantly it gives you the tools the continue to learn new commands and take full control of your machine. The skills you learn in this course will make you a stronger web developer, data scientist, machine learning engineer, game dev, or plain old computer user!  You will feel POWERFUL!!

Hi there, my name is Colt Steele. I’ve spent years leading in-person software engineering bootcamps and have helped thousands of students change careers.  Online I’ve taught over a million students and have hundreds of thousands of 5 star ratings and reviews.

This is an interactive course full of exercises and fun challenges that force you to practice the skills you are learning. You’ll encounter some of the same assignments and projects that my in-person bootcamp students experience.  Learning command after command can be a dreadfully boring experience, but I’ve tried my best to make this course as exciting and interesting as possible.

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