Data Science

Statistics Made Easy by Example for Analytics/ data science
What is the statistics course about?
This course promises that students will Statistics
- Learn the in a simple and interesting way
- Know the business scenarios, where it is applied
- See the demonstration of important concepts (simulations) in MS Excel
- Practice it in MS Excel to cement the learning
- Get confidence to answer questions on statistics
- Be ready to do more advance course like logistic regression etc.
Course Material
- The course comprises of primarily video lectures.
- All Excel file used in the course are available for download.
- The complete content of the course is available to download in PDF format.
How long the course should take?
It should take approximately 25 hours for good grasp on the subject.
Why take the course
- To understand statistics with ease
- Get crystal clear understanding of applicability
- Understand the subject with the context
- See the simulation before learning the theory
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