PHP OOP Complete Ecommerce Project Course – 4 Courses in 1
Are you want to Start with Object Oriented PHP ? Then this course will help you get all the fundamentals of Procedural PHP, Object Oriented PHP, PHP CRUD, MYSQLi Database, PHP Array and ending the course by building a Complete eCommerce Project with PHP.
Knowing PHP has allowed me to make enough money to stay home and make courses like this one for students all over the world. Being a PHP developer can allow anyone to make really good money online and offline, developing dynamic applications.
There is no limit to what you can do with this knowledge. PHP is one of the most important web programming languages to learn, and knowing it, will give you SUPER POWERS in the web development world and job market place.
Why this course?
This course i design first you learn all basic then you will also learn how you can use its in your real project. You can find a job anywhere or even work on your own, online and in places like freelancer or Odesk. You can definitely make a substantial income once you learn it.
What is your benefit ?
As i told you this complete course which beings you to Beginner to master level, You can get 4 course in one platform. I create this course for help you coz i believe if you become successful then i will be successful.
Fours course section in one platform below.
- Section 1 : PHP OOP Fundamentals Tutorial / Include CRUD with PHP OOP and MySQLi.
- Section 2 : Mysql Database Fundamentals
- Section 3 : Php array Fundamentals
- Section 4 : Develop Complete eCommerce Project with PHP OOP
eCommerce Project Included with:
1. Add product from admin Panel
2. Product List, Product Edit and Delete.
3. Add Product Category also Category list Edit and Delete Option
4. Add Product Brand also Brand list Edit and Delete Option
5. Create Customer Registration form and Customer Login Form
6. Create Customer Profile Page
7. Customer Order History
8. Customer Product Wish-list and Product Compare Option
9. Creating Cart page, Checkout Page, Payment Page.
10. Showing product By Categories.
11. Receive Order from Admin Panel
12. Advance Search Option
13. Dynamically add slider from Admin Panel
14. Dynamically manage Footer copyright text from Admin Panel
15. And More….
What you will Get after this course :
1. You will able to create professional complete eCommerce project.
2. You will able to understand Object Oriented PHP Fundamental
3. You will able to understand Mysql Database all function
4. You will well understand about PHP Array.
5. And much more…
This course you will not just learn you actually doing it. Learn and apply this on live project with me.
Sound Great right?
Click the “Buy Now” button at the top right now!
I am excited to see you in the course!
Kazi Ariyan
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