MERN Stack – React Node from Scratch Building Social Network

MERN Stack – React Node from Scratch Building Social Network

Welcome to Become a FullStack / MERN Stack JavaScript Developer from Scratch with React, Node JS and MongoDB. In this course you will Learn React with Node JS from Absolute Scratch – Build A Complete MERN Stack Social Network from Scratch and Deploy to the Cloud Hosting.

In this course you will learn:

  • Node JS From Scratch
  • Node JS API Development from Scratch
  • React JS from Scratch
  • Modern JavaScript from Scratch
  • FullStack Social Network Application from Scratch
  • Build Rock Solid Authentication with Password Forgot/Password Reset using JWT
  • Authorization
  • Implement Social Login using JWT
  • CRUD, Image Upload, User Posts Relationships, follow, unfollow, likes, comments and more
  • Super Admin based on Role
  • Custom reCAPTCHA
  • Pagination
  • Deploy FullStack React Node Social Network to Digital Ocean Cloud Hosting
  • Full Source Code is available for each major section and lectures
  • Direct help from Instructor if you ever get stuck!
  • In depth understanding of Modern JavaScript, React and Node JS
  • Each line of code is explained!
  • Easy to understand (Course starts from absolute basic and gradually makes progress)
  • Follow the best practices while coding
  • Fully understand the code you are writing
  • Best way of structuring Node Js and React application so that it scales in future

This course has so much more, It does not make sense to write them all here. But I can guarantee that this course is your gateway to become a FullStack JavaScript Developer.

Enroll into this course. This is revolutionary

go now : Laravel 8 Vuejs & RESTful API Course With Complete Project 

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