Mastering Data Structures & Algorithms using C and C++
You may be new to Structure or you have already Studied and Implemented but still you feel you need to learn more about Learn, Analyse and Implement Data Structures & Algorithms using C and C++. in detail so that it helps you solve challenging problems and used Structure efficiently.
This 53 hours of course covers each topic in greater details, every topic is covered on Whiteboard which will improve your Problem Solving and Analytical Skills. Data Structures & Algorithms using C and C++ Every Data Structure is discussed, analyzed and implemented with a Practical line-by-line coding.
Source code for all Programs is available for you to download
About Instructor
I am the Instructor of this course, I have been teaching this course to university students for a long period of time, I know the pulse of students very well, Data Structures & Algorithms using C and C++ I know how to present the topic so that it’s easy to grasp for students.
I know how to use White board to explain the topic and also to make it memorable. Remembering the thing and using them in right place is more important than just understanding the topic.
After Completing Course
After completing this course you will be Algorithms using C and C++ confident enough to take up any challenging problem in coding using Data Structures.
Course Contents
1. Recursion
2. Arrays Representation
3. Array ADT
4. Linked List
5. Stack
6. Queues
7. Trees
8. Binary Search Tree
9. AVL Trees
10. Graphs
11. Hashing Technique