Data Science
Machine Learning A-Z: Become Kaggle Master

Machine Learning A-Z: Become Kaggle Master

Want to become a good Data Scientist?  Then this is a right course for you.

This course has been designed by IIT professionals who have mastered in Mathematics and Data Science.  We will be covering complex theory, algorithms and coding libraries in a very simple way which can be easily grasped by any beginner as well.

We will walk you step-by-step into the World of Machine Learning. With every tutorial you will develop new skills and improve your understanding of this challenging yet lucrative sub-field of Data Science from beginner to advance level.

We have solved few Kaggle problems during this course and provided complete solutions so that students can easily compete in real world competition websites.

We have covered following topics in detail in this course:

1. Python Fundamentals

2. Numpy

3. Pandas

4. Some Fun with Maths

5. Inferential Statistics

6. Hypothesis Testing

7. Data Visualisation

8. EDA

9. Simple Linear Regression

10. Multiple Linear regression

11. Hotstar/ Netflix: Case Study

12. Gradient Descent

13. KNN

14. Model Performance Metrics

15. Model Selection

16. Naive Bayes

17. Logistic Regression

18. SVM

19. Decision Tree

20. Ensembles – Bagging / Boosting

21. Unsupervised Learning

22. Dimension Reduction

23. Advance ML Algorithms

24. Deep Learning

go now : Statistics for Data Science and Business Analysis

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