, pub-9472950825510933, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Introduction to ASP .NET Core 6.0 MVC Web Design - FreeCourseDownloader
Introduction to ASP .NET Core 6.0 MVC Web Design

Introduction to ASP .NET Core 6.0 MVC Web Design

Hi There!

With my 23 years programming skills I’m with you to share my knowledge with you.


If you are beginners or student looking for a tutorial that teach ASP .Net Core MVC basics in simplest way!

If you want really to be a programmer so it’s best place that you can start to learn Asp. net Core MVC basics

This course includes :

  • Start using C# and ASP. Net Core MVC with Visual Studio 2022 From Scratch
  • Srtucure of MVC website in ASP .net core
  • Using Controller in MVC core project
  • Views in MVC core project
  • Action in MVC core project
  • Routing in MVC core project
  • Layout in MVC core project
  • ViewStart in MVC core
  • TagHelpers : Navigate between views
  • ViewImports : Navigate between views
  • ViewBag : Transfer data & change page title
  • ViewData : Transfer data & change page title
  • Entity Framework with SQL Database
  • Creating SQL database
  • Creating new project & installing Nuget Packages
  • Generating Models and DbContext
  • Generating Controller and Views
  • Register DbContext and run Web site
  • Secure connection string
  • Deep diving design of ‘Index’ view
  • Using ‘Html.DisplayNameFor’
  • Deep diving ‘Index’ Action in Controller
  • Deep diving design of ‘details’ view
  • Deep diving Action of ‘Delete’ view
  • Deep diving of ‘Create’ view
  • ‘Edit’ view Deep divingand …

Don’t hesitate to start learning Web design by C#, Asp. net Core MVC, Bootstrap and Entity Framework!

Every thing will be discussed with sample project and you will have lot of tips and tricks within my course.

Say Hi Asp. net w Core MVC world and let’s go !!!

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