Data Structure & Algorithm using C++ : Zero To Mastery 2022
So you want to learn and master Data Structure and Algorithm , I have done it. I am a recent graduate who has cracked interviews of top product based companies and landed job offers from many companies (Amazon, Samsung , Microsoft, Flipkart …)
Also I performed very well in university exams .
I know what university asks and what these top product based companies ask in their interview.
So i have created this course keeping in mind university syllabus and also to make you ready to get those valuable internships and placements.
You will top your university exams and will become interview ready at the same time.
I know how professors teach in colleges , they just discuss theory , but hey I am not a professor instead a bro. I will teach you things which really matter . Also i have shared many tips and tricks in the course .
So what are you waiting for ??
Master Data Structure and Algorithms , top you university exam and get those valuable internships and placements
Still have doubt , see the course content , no one is teaching you variation of binary search , every other instructor will teach you standard binary search. I am also teaching Dynamic Programming which is difficult to teach and other instructors are not teaching this but its a very important topic and you must know it.
We are solving 30+ problems on Recursion , other instructor will teach you theory, theory and theory and at max will solve 3-4 problems
Note : If you want to learn only theory do NOT enroll in this course . This course is 100% practical
My approach is very simple : discuss the relevant theory and then solve lots of problems . I teach concepts by solving lots of problems and you should be ready to solve lots of problems as Assignments , Quizzes etc
As if this was not enough , I have shared tips and tricks on how to become good in competitive programming ( yes i have did CP in college)
Source code for all Programs is available for you to download
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Data Structures & Algorithms Essentials using C++ (2022) Udemy Free Download