
Angular automation with Protractor + Typescript + Cucumber
Angular automation with Protractor + Typescript + Cucumber course is designed in such as way that anyone with basic knowledge in Typescript and selenium can get started with this course without any hiccups.
This course is the first ever course which covers Protractor automation with Typescript language, which in turn helps people to understand how easy it is to work with Typescript comparing to Javascript.
In this course we will cover following topics
- Understand building Angular 2 application with Angular-cli
- Understanding and working with Jasmine
- Understanding and working with Protractor (Basic)
- Understanding and working with Protractor (Advanced)
- Working with Cucumber and Protractor with Typescript
The course has not only covered very basic topics on Protractor, but it has also covered some of the advanced concepts which are required for production ready and industry standard.
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