Advanced SQL : SQL Expert Certification Preparation Course
“One”, “Enough”, “Ultimate” Course to make you an “SQL Expert!”.
Advance Your SQL Knowledge and Get Better Income From Your Job, like $100k.
Get Oracle’s SQL Expert Certification.
Oracle has two Certification Exams for SQL;
The first one (SQL Fundamentals) covers the basic subjects (All of these subjects are covered in my first course.)
The second one (SQL Expert) covers more advanced subjects including the basic ones. (All the advanced subjects (and more) for this exam are covered in this course.)
All the subjects are explained in detail, and exampled as many as I can do with Oracle’s HR schema. You can check the subjects from Oracle’s related pages.
Now, you are looking at a course that will make you pass this exam.
- You can ask any questions about this course from discussion board.
- Your questions will be answered as soon as possible.
You can check my website for more details.
What are you going to learn from this course?
- Introducing Database Objects
- Data Dictionary Views
- Creating, Using and Managing Sequences
- Creating, Using and Analyzing Synonyms
- Understanding and Using Indexes
- Managing Views
- Materialized Views
- Creating and Using Advanced Subqueries
- Advanced Data Manipulation
- Controlling Schema Objects)
- Administering User Privileges and Roles
- Hierarchical Queries (Tree Structure)
- Writing Advanced Scripts
- Generating Dynamic SQL Scripts
- Analytical SQL Functions
- Regular Expressions
- And much more beyond these… (+Quizzes, +Bonus Lectures, +New Updates)…
- Hundreds of Examples
- Professional Course Design,
- Well-organised Content
- In-Depth Subjects (All subjects are explained with all details)
- Lifetime Author Support.
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