2022 Python for Machine Learning & Data Science Masterclass
Early Bird Release for the full upcoming 2021 Python for Machine Learning and Data Science Masterclass!
Please note! This is currently in an Early Bird Beta access, meaning we are still going to be continually adding content to the course (even though we are Python for Machine Learning & Data Science Masterclass already at over 20 hours of content!) Since we’re still adding content and taking student feedback as we complete the course through the start of 2021, students who enroll now will get access to a wide variety of benefits!
What do you get with Early Bird Access?
You will get exclusive access to weekly live video streams where we will go through interactive machine learning projects! You’ll be able to directly ask questions during the streams that will coincide with section launches corresponding to new machine learning Python for Machine Learning & Data Science Masterclass algorithms added to the course content! These weekly streams will also include live Q&A with the instructor of the course, Jose Portilla. We will also be taking in student feedback to shape certain upcoming streaming projects. These streams will only be accessible to early bird students, and will be removed once the course is fully complete and launched!
What is in the course?
Welcome to the most complete course on learning Data Science and Machine Learning on the internet! After teaching over 2 million students I’ve worked for over a year to put together what I believe to be the best way to go from zero to hero for data science and machine learning in Python!
This comprehensive course is designed to be Python for Machine Learning & Data Science Masterclass on par with bootcamps that usually cost thousands of dollars, the final course will include the following topics:
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- Programming with Python
- NumPy with Python
- Deep dive into Pandas for Data Analysis
- Full understanding of Matplotlib Programming Library
- Deep dive into seaborn for data visualizations
- Machine Learning with SciKit Learn, including:
- Linear Regression
- Regularization
- Lasso Regression
- Ridge Regression
- Elastic Net
- K Nearest Neighbors
- K Means Clustering
- Decision Trees
- Random Forests
- Natural Language Processing
- Support Vector Machines
- Hierarchal Clustering
- Manifold Learning
- Model Deployment
- and much, much more!
As always, we’re grateful for the chance to teach you data science, machine learning, and python and hope you will join us inside the course to boost your skillset!
-Jose and Pierian Data Inc. Team