Professional Report Writing for Junior Engineers
Save yourself the stress and time
“Excellent introduction to the subject. Important for STEM people to have proper skills in conveying written information. Recommend”
“Overall it was a good course. It is worth spending the time”.
As an engineer, report writing is a basic skill that you simply have to master; this is a straightforward, no-nonsense course that will take you through the process of how to write professional reports that get the results you want – You will also learn useful tips that have been tried and tested.
Learn what every junior engineer wishes they knew before they started working industry when it comes to report writing.
I can remember when I first started working in the industry, I approached report writing the best way I knew how, and that’s the academic way I had learned at university – Thankfully, I had great support from senior engineers, and I quickly learnt how to write professional reports fit for industry.
This course is broken down into eight sections to take you through step by step:
- Fundamentals
- Planning
- Report Structure
- Nuts and Bolts
- Grammar and Conventions
- Proofreading and editing
- Summary
At the end of this course, you will have learnt what I know now but wished I knew from the beginning – save yourself the stress and time.
I look forward to seeing you on the course
Remember: 30 day money back GUARANTEE!
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