Light Yoga – Start Self-Exploration for Effective Results
This course is preparing the student for successful steps in understanding yoga, life and oneself.
It is right for you if you wish to dive into soft and gentle yoga practice and get to know your body & mind better! The simplicity of the course is amazing, empowering you to a strong start in yoga and stable foundation for life and new achievements!!!
✓ Wouldn’t it be great to get simple and comprehensive overview of the area you are interested in?
✓ You do not have too much time and want to make this process effective?
✓ Your first experience in yoga probably was not the most successful one or you want to know the secrets behind the practice and good results?
Then this is the course for you.
During this introductory course to yoga you will find out what yoga is and receive fuller understanding using simple terminology. Each theoretical material is followed by practical class to ensure that the received information is not only heard but also experienced. The focus is made on accenting key elements and guidelines still without unclear “high philosophy”. Learn and try basic and advanced kinds of yoga – hatha yoga (physical yoga), pranayama yoga (breathing yoga), meditation (and concentration), jnana yoga (yoga of intellect, working with mind), nidra yoga (yoga of ultimate awareness), etc.
This course combines the experience of teacher training essentials as well as live communication with thousands of yoga beginners and regular yoga practitioners. After the course you will be fully-equipped to continue exploring this most exciting area.
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