Data Science
Statistics for Data Analysis Using Excel 2016

Statistics for Data Analysis Using Excel 2016

Start loving data and making sense of it. Leverage the power of MS Excel to make it easy!

Learn statistics, and apply these concepts in your work place using Microsoft Excel.

This course is about Statistics and Data Analysis. The course will teach you the basic concepts related to Statistics and Data Analysis, and help you in applying these concept. Various examples and data-sets are used to explain the application.

I will explain the basic theory first, and then I will show you how to use Microsoft Excel to perform these calculations.

Following areas of statistics are covered:

Descriptive Statistics – Mean, Mode, Median, Quartile, Range, Inter Quartile Range, Standard Deviation

Data Visualization – 3 commonly used charts: Histogram, Box and Whisker Plot and Scatter Plot

Probability – Basic Concepts, Permutations, Combinations

Population and Sampling

Probability Distributions – Normal, Binomial and Poisson Distributions

Hypothesis Testing – One Sample and Two Samples – z Test, t Test, p Test, F Test, Chi Square Test

ANOVA – Perform Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) step by step doing manual calculation and by MS Excel.

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