, pub-9472950825510933, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Get Credit for Your EIN That’s Not Linked to Your SSN - FreeCourseDownloader
Get Credit for Your EIN That’s Not Linked to Your SSN

Get Credit for Your EIN That’s Not Linked to Your SSN

Did you know that your business has its own credit report?  This credit report that’s linked to your business EIN number is not linked to your consumer credit report or your SSN.  Business credit can be obtained without you providing your SSN on the credit application, so your consumer credit quality isn’t a factor in approval. And you’re not personally liable for the business credit you can obtain.  

The quality of your business credit will determine if you’ll get approved for business loans, the amount you’ll be approved for, and the terms you’ll pay.  Anybody who wants to can see your business credit including your competitors, prospects, and clients, so it’s essential you manage your business credit wisely.  

Not only does business credit seperate your business and personal liability, but it’s also one of the only ways you can obtain funding for your business if you have consumer credit issues, don’t have collateral, and regardless of your collateral.

This course maps out all you’ll want and need to know to get credit for your EIN that’s not linked to your SSN.

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