The Ultimate Hands-On Hadoop: Tame your Big Data!

The Ultimate Hands-On Hadoop: Tame your Big Data!

The world of Hadoop and “Big Data” can be intimidating – hundreds of different technologies with cryptic names form the Hadoop ecosystem. With this course, you’ll not only understand what those systems are and how they fit together – but you’ll go hands-on and learn how to use them to solve real business problems!

Learn and master the most popular big data technologies in this comprehensive course, taught by a former engineer and senior manager from Amazon and IMDb. We’ll go way beyond Hadoop itself, and dive into all sorts of distributed systems you may need to integrate with.

  • Install and work with a real Hadoop installation right on your desktop with Hortonworks and the Ambari UI
  • Manage big data on a cluster with HDFS and MapReduce
  • Write programs to analyze data on Hadoop with Pig and Spark
  • Store and query your data with SqoopHiveMySQLHBaseCassandraMongoDBDrillPhoenix, and Presto
  • Design real-world systems using the Hadoop ecosystem
  • Learn how your cluster is managed with YARNMesosZookeeperOozieZeppelin, and Hue
  • Handle streaming data in real time with KafkaFlumeSpark StreamingFlink, and Storm

Understanding Hadoop is a highly valuable skill for anyone working at companies with large amounts of data.

Almost every large company you might want to work at uses Hadoop in some way, including Amazon, Ebay, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, IBM,  Spotify, Twitter, and Yahoo! And it’s not just technology companies that need Hadoop; even the New York Times uses Hadoop for processing images.

This course is comprehensive, covering over 25 different technologies in over 14 hours of video lectures. It’s filled with hands-on activities and exercises, so you get some real experience in using Hadoop – it’s not just theory.

You’ll find a range of activities in this course for people at every level. If you’re a project manager who just wants to learn the buzzwords, there are web UI’s for many of the activities in the course that require no programming knowledge. If you’re comfortable with command lines, we’ll show you how to work with them too. And if you’re a programmer, I’ll challenge you with writing real scripts on a Hadoop system using Scala, Pig Latin, and Python.

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You’ll walk away from this course with a real, deep understanding of Hadoop and its associated distributed systems, and you can apply Hadoop to real-world problems. Plus a valuable completion certificate is waiting for you at the end!

Please note the focus on this course is on application development, not Hadoop administration. Although you will pick up some administration skills along the way.

I hope to see you in the course soon!


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